Frequently Played Roles in Small Group Communication

Have you ever watched a meeting in progress?  Observed the goings-on without participating?  I find this to be an eye-opening view into human behavior.  Often, I am amazed that anything productive ever comes out of a meeting given what transpires.  Although there are...


ARTICLES Customer Complaints – From the Business Owner’s Point of View Customer complaints are a 2-way street. Do business owners have complaints about their customers? You bet they do! Here’s a list and some advice. read more Brand Promises vs. Exceeding...

Cloud Computing Insights

Wonder what business owners think about cloud computing? Click the link below to see TAB’s business owner survey of cloud computing use. Cloud_Computing_Insights_US Access the full report

Beware of Benchmarking!

By Mark Komen, President.  Kodyne, Inc. If there was ever a business quicksand pit, it would be the practice of benchmarking.  Benchmarking, as a business practice, came into prominence in the 1980s as organizations strived to find ways to improve themselves.  A...